We feel both pleased and honored to introduce ourselves as a new travel agency with more than 20 years experience staff. We at ARSAwisata would like to offer you every kind of service here in Yogyakarta and offcourse in Indonesia. Our team of professionals, with a tremendous wealth of experience in the travel trade, are capable of fulfilling every client needs while traveling with us. Our main goal has been always complete client satisfaction. We only use high quality products and services, that we have been able to acquire trough this many years of operations.

Our Vision

To be a company highly rentable with an outstanding excellence and with exemplary relations with the community, the environment and the social responsibility.

Our Mission

Commitment to customer satisfaction. We always provide professional solutions and added value in all our services to exceed our client’s expectations and to achieve our partner’s goals. We want to create value and to make a difference, that is why we support the sustainable and responsible tourism.

Our long term strategy


To recognize that competitive price have to not forget still give a good service, it’s a near-obsessive attention to detail that transforms a good experience into an exceptional one. We don’t want to sell you a travel package; we want to understand your needs, so we can custom design a travel solution that meets your specific requirements. We look at your opportunities and challenges and design a solution customized to fit you. We comply with strict principles of professional conduct and ethics.

ARSAwisata core values


The core values of ARSAwisata are costumer service, innovation, quality, team work and responsibility. We offer the same level of service to all our clients. Our team of professionals, they take a proactive approach to solve any problems by making the right decisions.


Ratna Judo Rahardjo
23 years experience
arsawisata staff
Louis Rachmani
16 years experience
Wenny Lie
travel consultant arsawisata
Andi Nugroho
Travel Consultant
10 years experience
travel consultant arsawisata
Emi Amulati
Travel Consultant
21 years experience
Yulia Valentina
Travel Consultant
08 years experience
travel consultant arsawisata
Aida Noor Huda
Travel Consultant
22 years experience
operation arsawisata liburan jogja
Ira Novita
admin arsawisata staff liburan jogja
Yoanita Dwika P
arsawisata staff liburan jogja
Fitrie Mirzha
Document Staff
08 years experience
arsawisata travel consultant
Endy Subroto
Travel Consultant
12 years experience
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