Our service are including air/train ticket, hotel voucher, travel document, travel insurance, rent car beside our main service DMC, Meeting, and TMC


Yogyakarta, Indonesia offers one of the world’s most incredible choices of Meetings and Incentives travel venues, with something new and exciting to discover and to enjoy on every visit. Whether you’re looking to create a one of a kind group experience or acknowledge individual achievement, The possibilities

are endless when you bring your incentive program to Yogyakarta, Indonesia. ARSAwisata helps you by offering meetings that are well-run, productive and create an environment most conducive to move your business forward. We

provide complete program and logistics management services for any kind of group. Our incentive travel programs motivate employees to perform at their peak and help to build corporate loyalty. See how our experienced team can maximize your investments. Our mission is to provide professional support in the design and execution of exceptionally successful group travel programs from all over the world.


Our staff expectations to make your group trip one to remember. We have been around so our knowledge and expertise is the one you are looking for to make your trip a successful one. ARSAwisata offers the right services for the right group, a great selection of options according to the group’s interest: coporate gathering, adventure groups, high school and university students, to senior citizens, family vacations or just leisure groups. All of them will have a customized program; the right tour guide and tour leader to make their experience a memorable one.



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Tour Package

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Attraction Ticket

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Adventure Tour

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VIP Greeting

We will make you feel special with greeting inside Adisucipto Yogyakata International Airport & some airport in Indonesia

Hotel Reservation

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Incentive Tour

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Meeting and Incentive Group

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Gala Dinner Party

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Guide Service

Want to go to a place that you don’t know? We can guide you.

Travel Insurance

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Travel Document

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Private Tour

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Rent Car

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